Tips for becoming green
I saw a great television special a couple of years ago on the Fine Living channel titled "50 Ways to Save the Planet."
Some of these things I've done for decades, and many others have more recently become permanent fixtures in my life. For example, I sold my car and now walk or bike everywhere I can. I also use cold water to wash my clothes, have eliminated all harmful cleaners from my home, and buy in bulk whenever possible. Now I'm adding #50 to my list by sharing this list with you.
Take a look at the list to see how you're already making a difference and how many more small changes you can make to save the planet.
But I must point out one glaring omission that can provide greater environmental benefits than many other tips on the list. Stop eating meat! Most of my vegan cooking and lifestyle books discuss the environmental impact of meat production, but I think John Robbins and Howard Lyman make the most compelling arguments. I encourage you to peruse their sites and read their books to learn all you can -- and pass it on!
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